St Stephen’s Church

St Stephen’s Church was built on Uxbridge Road in 1850 by renowned architect Anthony Salvin, at the same time as the adjoining school. St Stephen’s today is strong in the centre and commands widespread local loyalty; the diversity of church membership in both age and background is a distinctive characteristic of the congregation, which includes many young families. Led by either Bob or Anne, the church services blend Anglo-Catholic liturgy with evangelical preaching. During the week St Stephen’s hosts two other Christian groups, while gigs in conjunction with Communion Music take place several times a year in the church. St Stephen’s runs a weekly film club for elderly people, and another film club for the homeless and hostel dwellers, during which a hot meal is served for up to 100 guests.

St Stephen’s Church, while raising £200,000 for a new roof, is delighted to open its doors to the Bush Theatre. Please click here for more information.