Get to know… Shahid Iqbal Khan
Wed 29 Sep 2021 |
Bush Artists, Playwriting
Ahead of his play 10 NIGHTS, we caught up with the very lovely human, playwright Shahid Iqbal Khan.
Shahid is an alumnus of Graeae’s Write To Play programme in 2018. His plays include The Smile of Despair and Stardust (both with Phizzical Productions) and he recently wrote a short piece Never Been Away for Tara Theatre.
What’s the best thing about being a playwright?
The privilege of getting to play around with ideas and moulding and shaping them as if they are like plasticine.
What’s your writing process?
Every single day I try to do something related to playwriting. Whether that is writing for 5 minutes or 2 hours, watching or reading a play or something as simple as watching an interview on Youtube. I like to keep my process loose and flexible.
How do you let off steam?
I don’t. Which probably makes me a very dangerous person. I should find something that helps me to let off steam.
What was the last play you saw recently?
The NW Trilogy at the Kiln. I love the way Moira Buffini writes dialogue. Poetic and subtle.
What’s the last compliment you got?
On Zoom. Someone really liked my leather chair.

What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
Being tailgated by racer drivers.
Twitter or TikTok?
Twitter for morning, TikTok for night.
Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
A big bear. I’d sing a song.
Chunky chips or curly fries?
Chunky chips!
What’s a mantra you live by that you could pass on to our readers?
One day at a time.
What’s coming up for Shahid Iqbal Khan after 10 NIGHTS?
I have written an episode for the 5 part radio series, Night of the Living Flatpacks, a Graeae and Naked Production. It will air in around 2 months on community radio channels.
I am really looking forward to spending my 2022 on attachment to Graeae and Royal Court, which will involve writing a commissioned play. Very excited!
10 Nights is playing in the Studio 7 Oct – 6 Nov. Book now.