Iconic Photography Exhibition inspired by The Royale
Fri 18 Nov 2016 |
Our Plays, The Bigger Picture
Iconic is now being exhibited at The Tabernacle, Notting Hill. This autumn, 30 students from Burlington Danes Academy worked with photographer Sarah Ainslie on a unique photography project inspired by the themes and ideas behind The Royale. The group asked the question:
Who are our cultural icons and what do they mean to us?
Exhibition created by Sarah Ainslie and students from Burlington Danes Academy. This project was generously funded by the John Lyons Charity.
Thinking into the Future

What Do You See?




The students exhibited are:
Assma Al-Akhras
Hassan Al-Doujaily
Marwa Al-Fadly
Narwa Ali
Azhar Bewalhachmi
Lenayah Brown
Angela Bulley
Lucillo Burrell
Jordan Burton
Enya Cabreros
Khadija El-Bhiri
Hanna Girma
Muna Haji Yuusuf
Reisli Hysa
Shahraiz Irfan
Nadaa Kabbour
Felicity Moronkeji
Bella Norman
Asli Ozdemir
Mariam Rahman
Ojay St Louis
Leo Storp
Ryan Tasker
Renalin Valeriano
Tate Westmoreland
Thanks for reading.