Our doors are closed for now, but our work continues

Following the latest government advice about Coronavirus, the Bush Theatre building is now temporarily closed to the public.

It is with enormous sadness that we closed our doors, but the safety and wellbeing of our audiences, company, and staff is of utmost importance. Although our theatre is closed, we are still committed to finding ways to connect with our amazing community of artists and audiences, so watch this space.

We will be in touch with bookers for all affected performances in good time, and we’ll also post updates on our website and social media channels.

In the meantime this crisis has profound effects on us as a charity. The Bush needs to raise over £500k annually on top of our Arts Council funding and ticket revenue, to allow us to continue making ground-breaking work and engage with new writers and artists.

We are proud to be the home of new writing; to discover, nurture and produce the best new playwrights from the widest range of backgrounds.We need help to achieve this though; if you are able to support us during this time it would make a huge difference. Any donation, big or small, will play a part in ensuring we can continue doing what we do best; being the Bush.

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